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Welcome to Minnesota House Live Webcast and Mobile Streaming

Provided as a public service by the Minnesota House of Representatives

Room: HTV 1

House Television Webcast and Mobile Streaming Schedule

Friday, March 14, 2025 8:00 AM, HTV 1

FRIDAY: No House meetings scheduled

No House meetings scheduled.
Monday, March 17, 2025 3:25 PM, HTV 1

MONDAY: Session Daily Update

Updates from the House.
Monday, March 17, 2025 3:30 PM, HTV 1

MONDAY: House Floor Session

HF4 (Robbins) Temporary moratorium on certain light rail transit expenditures established.
HF202 (Bakeberg) Scott County; US Highway 169 and Trunk Highway 282 interchange construction funding provided, Shakopee identification sign lighting authorized, and money appropriated.
HF438 (Skraba) Crane Lake Water and Sanitary District permitted to have a three-member board of managers.
HF747 (Niska) Minnesota Business Corporation Act modified.
HF944 (Gillman) Trespass law modified to allow purple markings.
HF1034 (Kresha) Aeronautics and commercial over-the-road technical program eligible grant expenditures clarified.
HF1058 (Skraba) North Koochiching sanitary sewer board composition modified.
HF1346 (Nash) Training requirements modified for mandatory reporters.
HF1401 (Witte) Definition of endangered expanded for purposes of the missing and endangered persons program.
HF1410 (Witte) Local correctional officers provided in Peace Officers Discipline Procedures Act.
HF1443 (Olson) Maximum bonded indebtedness allowed for the State Armory Building Commission increased.
SF571 (Scott) Uniform Trust Code, Powers of Appointment, and the Uniform Probate Code various provisions modified; and technical, clarifying, and conforming changes made.
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 6:00 PM, HTV 1

TUESDAY: Joint meeting of the House Higher Education Finance and Policy Committee and the Senate Higher Education Committee

Review and adoption of the 2025 Joint Committee Procedures.
University of Minnesota Regent recommendations:.
- Student At-Large Candidate Recommendation Nominations.
- Congressional District 5 Candidate Recommendation Nominations.
- At-Large Candidate Recommendation Nominations.

House Upcoming Meeting Schedule

Friday, March 14, 2025, 3/14/2025 8:00:00 AM

Legislative Audit Commission - Evaluation Subcommittee

Chair: Sen. Scott Dibble
Location: G-3 State Capitol

  1. Review the Legislative Audit Commission Policy on Program Evaluation Topic Selection
  2. Review suggested topics for OLA to evaluate in 2025 and narrow the list to 15 topics

Office of the Legislative Auditor:  Judy Randall, Legislative Auditor; and Jodi Munson Rodriguez, Deputy Legislative Auditor, Program Evaluation Division

LAC Policy on Topic Selection

Topic List

Proposed Topic Selection Schedule

PUBLIC VIEWING INFORMATION:  This meeting will also be livestreamed via YouTube, which will be closed captioned with automatically generated captions.

TESTIFYING:  The Legislative Audit Commission and its subcommittees typically do not take public testimony. 

MEETING DOCUMENTS:  Materials will be posted above and on the Office of the Legislative Auditor website in the Notices section as soon as they are available, and posted to our Minutes page soon after.

Friday, March 14, 2025, 3/14/2025 10:00:00 AM

Compensation Council

Agenda Changed
Chair: David Asp
Location: Ladyslipper Room, Centennial Office Building
  1. Approve March 7 meeting minutes
  2. Judicial Salaries: Erin Sindberg Porter, Judicial Selection Commission
  3. Overview of February forecast: Tom Carr, Executive Budget Officer, Minnesota Management and Budget
  4. Council discussion
  5. Direct Care and Treatment board overview: Dale Klitzke, General Counsel, Direct Care and Treatment
  6. Judicial Salaries, cont'd: Jeff Shorba - State Court Administrator, King Banaian - Professor of Economics, Herberger Business School Director, Center for Policy Research and Community Engagement, Judge Mary Mahler - President of Minnesota District Judges Association
  7. Lunch break
  8. Overview of the role of the governor and lieutenant governor: Erin Campbell, Commissioner, Minnesota Management and Budget
  9. Overview of the role of other constitutional officers: John Kelly - Chief Deputy Attorney General and Attorney General, Nicole Freeman - Government Relations Director and Secretary of State, Matt Lindemann - Operations Director and State Auditor, Megan Thrasher - Clark, Constitution Division Director and State Auditor
  10. Presentation on agency head salaries and factors: Dori Leland - Enterprise Director of Employee Classification and Compensation, and Minnesota Management and Budget
  11. Council discussion and future meetings
Monday, March 17, 2025, 3/17/2025 8:15:00 AM

Fraud Prevention and State Agency Oversight Policy

Chair: Rep. Kristin Robbins
Location: Capitol 120
I. Call to Order

II. Approval of the March 10, 2025, meeting minutes

III. Overview from the Department of Human Services Behavioral Health Administration

IV. Adjournment
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Monday, March 17, 2025, 3/17/2025 11:00:00 AM

Ways and Means

Chair: Rep. Paul Torkelson
Location: Capitol 120
1. Call to Order

2. Approval of March 11, 2025, Meeting Minutes

3. HF1704 (Anderson, P.H.) Board of Animal Health funding provided, and money appropriated. This is the omnibus agricultural finance bill.

4. HF1722 (Davids) U.S. Highway 63 segment designated as Officer Jason B. Meyer Memorial Highway.

5. Adjournment

MATERIALS SUBMISSION DEADLINE: There will not be public testimony in Ways and Means. Individuals wishing to submit written testimony or handouts for the hearing must e-mail the committee administrator ( and the committee legislative assistant ( by Noon on Friday, March 14, 2025. Handouts must be in PDF format with OCR capability.

The Ways and Means Committee will meet at 11:00 AM on Monday, March 17
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Monday, March 17, 2025, 3/17/2025 1:00:00 PM

Agriculture Finance and Policy

Chair: Rep. Paul Anderson
Location: Capitol G3
Agenda notes:
- Bills may be added.
- The hearing on HF 363 is informational only.
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Monday, March 17, 2025, 3/17/2025 1:00:00 PM

Elections Finance and Government Operations

Chair: Rep. Duane Quam
Location: Capitol G23
I. Call to Order

II. Approval of Minutes

III. HF 1051 (Robbins) Sacred community requirements amended, municipalities authorized to regulate and establish approval processes for sacred communities, and remedy established for noncompliance.

IV. HF 16 (Rymer) Immigration law enforcement noncooperation ordinances and policies prohibited, use of immigration-related data provided, and county attorneys required to notify federal immigration authorities when an undocumented person is arrested for a crime of violence.

V. Adjournment
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Monday, March 17, 2025, 3/17/2025 1:00:00 PM

Health Finance and Policy

Chair: Rep. Jeff Backer
Location: Capitol 120
I. Call to Order

II. Approval of the Minutes

III. HF 837 (O’Driscoll) Commissioner of commerce required to request the continuation of a state innovation waiver, and money transferred from the general fund to the premium security plan account

IV. HF 1903 (Novotny) Safe Place for Newborns provisions modified.

V. HF 499 (Zeleznikar) Nurse temporary permits extended from 60 to 90 days.

VI. HF 794 (Nadeau) Dementia services program established, and money appropriated.

VII. Adjournment
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Monday, March 17, 2025, 3/17/2025 1:00:00 PM

Transportation Finance and Policy

Chair: Rep. Jon Koznick
Location: Capitol 123
Five bills will be heard:

HF2066 (Wiener) Electric-assisted bicycle tax rebate repealed, appropriation cancelled, and money transferred.

HF340 (Stier) Crime of fleeing peace officer in motor vehicle modified to add heightened penalty for fleeing in culpably negligent manner, and crime of fleeing in motor vehicle and failing to obey certain traffic laws established.

HF341(Heintzeman) Penalties enhanced and minimum fines established for repeat violations of driving without a valid license.

Bills added to the agenda:
HF566 (Skraba) Provisions for operating all-terrain vehicles on public roads modified.

HF2107(West) Rental motor vehicle license plates established.

Note: This bill is removed from the agenda at the request of the bill author so no action will be taken on this bill today in Transportation Committee.

HF2130 (Kraft) Length of driver's license revocations related to certain offenses, length of time individuals must participate in the ignition interlock program modified, and ignition interlock program participants required to complete a treatment or rehabilitation program before reinstatement of full driving privileges.

Note: If you would like to testify for or against a bill, please contact Committee Legislative Assistant Cyndy Wallin by 3pm on Friday March 14, 2025. Email: Testimony will be limited to 2 minutes maximum per testifier and the Chair reserves the right to limit testimony to no more than 15 minutes each for and against on a bill. Also, no more than one testifier per organization. Any handouts or letters should be emailed to the committee legislative assistant by 3 pm on Friday March 14.
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Monday, March 17, 2025, 3/13/2025 3:30:00 PM

Floor Session

Bills Added
Bills Removed
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 3/18/2025 8:15:00 AM

Commerce Finance and Policy

Chair: Rep. Tim O'Driscoll
Location: Capitol 120
Co-Chair Her holds the gavel

HF1672 (Reyer); Medical cannabis provisions modified.

HF1877 (Huot); Medical cannabis and cannabis provisions modified.

HF1735 (West); Liquor wholesalers authorized to purchase and sell lower-potency hemp edibles.

HF1734 (West); Cannabis license application requirements modified.

HF1271 (West); Provisions regarding the sale of cannabinoids derived from hemp modified, person selling edible cannabinoids permitted to convert the person's registration to a comparable hemp license, and hemp-derived topical product provisions modified.

HF1634 (Stephenson); Municipalities that establish, own, or operate a municipal cannabis store authorized to also hold a lower-potency hemp edible retailer license.

HF1615 (Stephenson); Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol limits in edible cannabinoid products and lower-potency hemp edible limits modified when intended to be consumed as beverages.

Bills may be added, removed, or taken up in any order at the discretion of the Co-Chairs

If you would like to testify or provide handouts to the committee please email and no later than Monday, March 17, at 1:00pm.

The hearing will be broadcast through House Information Services, for more information visit:
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 3/18/2025 8:15:00 AM

Human Services Finance and Policy

Chair: Rep. Mohamud Noor
Location: Capitol 123
*Items may be added*
*The DFL holds the gavel for this hearing*

I. Call to Order

II. Approval of the Minutes

III. HF1380 (Keeler) Commissioner of human services required to establish a minimum per diem rate for a specified psychiatric residential treatment facility, Clay County facility funding provided, facility start-up and capacity-building grants funding provided, and money appropriated.

IV. HF1166 (Curran) Grant established to expand disability services technology and advocacy, reports required, and money appropriated.

V. HF487 (Weiner) Wellness in the Woods grant funding provided and money appropriated

VI. HF1553 (Skraba) Boundary Waters Care Center grant appropriation

VII. HF1472 (Momanyi-Hiltsley) Minnesota Board on Aging funding provided, and money appropriated.

VIII. HF258 (Virnig) Legislative enactment of federal approval notice to revisor of statutes clarified
IX. HF1911 (Virnig) County implementation of service delivery transformation requirements and information technology modernization project funding provided, and money appropriated.

X. Adjournment

Testimony: Handouts, written testimony, and testifier requests must be in PDF format (with Optical Character Recognition) and emailed to the Committee Administrator by Noon (12PM) the day of each hearing. Submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record, and it may be posted to the committee webpage if received by the deadline. If bringing hard copies to the hearing, please bring 40 copies for members, staff, and the public.

This hearing may be viewed via the House webcast schedule page. All events are closed captioned with automatically generated captions.

- To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access or contact the LCC Accessibility Coordinator at
- If you are having accessibility or usability problems with any Minnesota Legislative website or software, please send your comments to the Accessibility & Usability Comment Form
- To request legislative services for:
a. American Sign Language (ASL), please contact the Committee Administrator a minimum of one week before the services are needed;
b. Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) closed captioning services, please contact the Committee Administrator a minimum of two weeks before the services are needed;
c. Live language interpretation services for Hmong, Somali, or Spanish speakers, please contact the Committee Administrator a minimum of 72 hours in advance of when the services are needed.
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 3/18/2025 8:15:00 AM

State Government Finance and Policy

Chair: Rep. Jim Nash
Location: Capitol G23
I. Call to Order

II. Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes

III. HF1458 (Van Binsbergen) Standards for required education and experience modified for certified public accountants, and reciprocity established for licensed public accountants.

IV. HF2063 (Schultz) Annual observance for 1st Minnesota Day established.

V. HF2164 (Schwartz) St. Peter designated as the honorary capital of Minnesota.

VI. HF1377 (Anderson, P.H.) Public television grants provided, and money appropriated.

VII. HF927 (Nash) Legislative Commission on Housing Affordability eliminated.

VIII. HF1059 (Nash) Legislative COVID-19 Response Commission eliminated.

IX. Adjournment
*Agenda items (including bills) may be added or removed, and/or order may change.

TESTIMONY AND MATERIALS SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Individuals wishing to testify or submit written testimony or handouts for the hearing must email the committee administrator by 12 p.m. (noon) the day prior to the hearing. Required testimony information includes name, organization and title (if applicable), email, phone number, and position on the bill. Handouts must be in PDF format with OCR capability.
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 3/18/2025 8:15:00 AM

Workforce, Labor, and Economic Development Finance and Policy

Chair: Rep. Dave Pinto
Location: Capitol G3
HF 2319 (Agbaje) Nursing Home Workforce Standards Board rule establishing nursing home minimum wage standards affecting medical assistance reimbursement rates made effective. (Pending re-referral)

HF 339 (Agbaje) Nursing Home Workforce Standards Board funding provided for certified worker organization grants, and money appropriated.

HF 1272 (Agbaje) Nursing Home Workforce Standards Board modified.

*Other Bills May Be Added*

If you would like to testify or provide materials to the committee for this hearing, please submit them to Travis Reese at by 1pm Monday, March 17
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 3/18/2025 10:15:00 AM

Capital Investment

Chair: Rep. Fue Lee
Location: Capitol G23
• Update on Federal Infrastructure Funds (IIJA/IRA/CHIPs)
• Impact of Potential Elimination of Tax-Exempt Status for Municipal Bonds
• March 6, 2025, Debt Capacity Forecast
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 3/18/2025 10:15:00 AM

Judiciary Finance and Civil Law

Chair: Rep. Tina Liebling
Location: Capitol G3
I. Call to Order
II. Review of Committee Rules
III. HF 1662 (Rehrauer) Human services data and veterans data provisions modified. [pending referral]
IV. HF 1224 (Freiberg) Due-on-sale clauses limited in certain instances, and private right of action provided.
V. HF 1836 (Klevorn) State government; changes made to data practices.
VI. 1367 (Pinto) Judicial review of child maltreatment occurring outside of Minnesota allowed, local welfare agency responsibility for assessing or investigating alleged maltreatment occurring outside of state provided.
VII. HF 1168 (Bahner) Commissioner of revenue required to establish an online system to claim the political contribution refund, political contribution refund program modified to allow for electronic information transfer between the Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board and the Department of Revenue, data classified, and money appropriated.
VIII. HF 1999 (Greene) Restrictions on public data requests to a school district added.
IX. HF 1792 (Mahamoud) Contracts for deed; definition of investor seller modified, and technical changes made.
X. HF 102 (Curran) Circumstances under which the public authority must direct support to an obligee modified.
XI. HF 2127 (Curran) Judicial official real property records classified as private, access limited, and criminal penalties imposed.
XII. HF 104 (Feist) Confidentiality established for restorative justice practices participants, and data classified.
XIII. Adjournment

Committee discussion of all bills will be limited to the provisions within the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee. Items may be taken up in any order, items may be added or removed at the chair's discretion.

TESTIMONY: If you would like to testify on a bill, please email the Committee Administrator, by 12:00 PM on Monday, March 17, 2025. Include the bill number, your name, title, and/or organization where applicable, and whether your testimony will be in support of or opposition to the bill.

WRITTEN TESTIMONY & HANDOUTS: Please send electronically in accessible .pdf format to the Committee Administrator, by 12:00 PM on Monday, March 17, 2025.
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 3/18/2025 10:15:00 AM


Chair: Rep. Aisha Gomez
Location: Capitol 120
Provisions Included in the 2024 House Taxes Bill/HF2274 (Gomez) Individual income and corporate franchise taxes, property taxes, local government aids, sales and use taxes, tax increment financing, special local taxes, and other various taxes and tax-related provisions modified; various tax refunds and credits modified; reports required; and money appropriated.

HF1932 (Gomez) Taxpayer assistance grants and tax credit outreach grants funding provided, and money appropriated.

Items may be added/removed from the agenda. Public testifiers should email their full name, organization (if applicable) and preferred title to the DFL Committee Administrator ( and the DFL CLA (Shamat Abraha at by 1 PM on Monday, March 17th. Materials to be distributed to the Committee members are also due by 1 PM on Monday, March 17th. Please note: submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It may be posted to the committee webpage if received by deadline. Testimony may be limited to two minutes per testifier. Testifiers may participate remotely at the Chair’s discretion.

To request legislative services for live language interpretation in Hmong, Somali, or Spanish, please contact the Committee Administrator 72 hours in advance of when the service is needed. To request legislative services for American Sign Language (ASL) please contact the Committee Administrator a minimum of one week before the services are needed. To request legislative services for Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) closed captioning services please contact the Committee Administrator a minimum of two weeks before the services are needed. For information on accommodations please visit Accessibility Frequently Asked Questions. If you have accessibility or usability comments to share on any Minnesota Legislature website, please submit your comments using the Accessibility & Usability Comment Form.
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 3/18/2025 1:00:00 PM

Education Finance

Chair: Rep. Cheryl Youakim
Location: Capitol 120
I. Call To Order

II. Roll Call

III. Approval of Minutes

IV. Bills May Be Taken in Any Order

• HF 630 (Mueller) - Short-call substitute teacher pilot program extended.
• HF 1435 (Bakeberg) - Education innovation provided, innovation zone provisions modified, P-TECH approval process modified, and Education Innovation recodified and reorganized.
• HF 1607 (Clardy) - Hours of instruction requirements modified.
Additional Bills May Be Added.

V. Adjournment

Testimony: Individuals wishing to testify and/or submit written testimony, including handouts on HF 630, HF 1435, or HF 1607 should contact both Polly Cerkvenik, via email at and Jody Withers via email at by 2:00 PM on Monday, March 17, 2025.

Amendments: Bill Authors or Committee Members wishing to present an amendment must submit amendments via email to both Polly Cerkvenik, via email at and Jody Withers, via email at by 12:00 PM (Noon) on Monday, March 17, 2025.
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 3/18/2025 1:00:00 PM

Energy Finance and Policy

Chair: Rep. Patty Acomb
Location: Capitol 123
HF1013 (Kraft) - Minnesota Energy Alley funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1598 (Hollins) - Air ventilation improvement and geothermal infrastructure for schools financing program established, and money appropriated.
HF1656 (Hollins) - Geothermal energy system construction funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2162 (Mahamoud) - Geothermal planning grants funding provided and money appropriated.

Items may be added or removed from the agenda.

If you wish to submit written testimony or testify, please send the written testimony or the request to testify to by 1 p.m. the day before the meeting. Written testimony is preferred and will be accepted after the deadline. In-person testimony may be limited due to committee time constraints.
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 3/18/2025 1:00:00 PM

Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy

Chair: Rep. Josh Heintzeman
Location: Capitol G3
HF1355 (Baker) - Holders of permits to harvest or destroy aquatic plants required to safely use scuba diving equipment, and commercial diving operations requirements established.
HF78 (Davis) - Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area Citizens Advisory Council membership modified.
HF1846 (Burkel) - Feedlots; county feedlot program funding provided, and money appropriated.
*More bills may be added*

TESTIMONY AND MATERIALS SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Individuals wishing to testify or submit written testimony or handouts for the hearing must e-mail the committee administrator ( by 1 p.m. the day prior to the hearing. Handouts must be in PDF format with OCR capability. In-person testimony may be limited due to committee time constraints.

AMENDMENT DEADLINE: Amendments must be e-mailed to the committee administrator by 3 p.m. the day prior to the hearing.
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 3/18/2025 1:00:00 PM

Higher Education Finance and Policy

Chair: Rep. Marion Rarick
Location: Capitol G23
Co-Chair Wolgamott holds the gavel

I. Call to Order

II. Approval of the Minutes

III. Presentation by Minnesota Education Equity Partnership

IV. HF2090 (Frazier) - Default living and miscellaneous expenses allowance increased for the state grant program, new State Grant Plus scholarship established to supplement state grant awards, Office of Higher Education grant programs created, and money appropriated.

V. HF982 (Clardy) - Education benefit established for dependents of disabled veterans.

VI. HF2229 (Perryman) - CentraCare residency programs at Rice Memorial Hospital and St. Cloud Hospital funding provided, and money appropriated.

VII. Adjournment

*Agenda items may be added or removed.

HANDOUTS: All handouts must be provided electronically to the Committee Administrator at by 3pm the day prior to the hearing. Handouts should be in PDF format with OCR (Optical Character Recognition) capability.

TESTIFYING: In-person public testimony will be taken as time allows. Requests to testify must be submitted electronically to the Committee Administrator at by 3pm the day prior to the hearing. Testimony information must include name, organization, and title (if applicable), email, phone number, and position on the bill. Written testimony is encouraged and will be posted on the committee webpage.

DOCUMENTS: Meeting documents may be found on the Higher Education Finance & Policy webpage.
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 3/18/2025 3:00:00 PM

Children and Families Finance and Policy

Chair: Rep. Nolan West
Location: Capitol 123
I. Call to order
II. Roll Call
III. HF776, Hanson J., Family assets for independence program funding provided, and money appropriated.
IV. HF1581, Hicks, Diaper distribution grant program funding provided, and money appropriated.
V. HF1158, Hicks, Diaper distribution program modified.
VI. HF2135, Pinto, Fiscal analysis of child welfare system required; comprehensive child welfare program, practice, and service evaluation required; reports required; and money appropriated.
VII. HF2226, West, Background study requirements for child care providers modified.
VIII. Adjournment

• All agenda items subject to change at the discretion of the Chair.

TESTIMONY AND MATERIALS SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Individuals wishing to testify or submit written testimony for the hearing must email the committee administrator by 8:00 AM on the day of the hearing. Handouts must be in PDF format with OCR capability. In-person testimony may be limited due to committee time constraints.
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 3/18/2025 3:00:00 PM

Education Policy

Chair: Rep. Sidney Jordan
Location: Capitol G23
I. Call To Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes
IV. Bills May Be Taken in Any Order

• HF 1124 (Youakim) School year allowed to start before Labor Day for two school years with approval by board vote, and report required.
• HF 1457 (Dippel) Construction of schools near former landfills prohibited.
• HF 1803 (Bakeberg) Individualized education program requirements modified, and rulemaking required.

Other bills may be added to the agenda.

V. Adjournment

Testimony: Individuals wishing to testify and/or provide written testimony/handouts on the scheduled bills should contact both Wilson Lee via email at and Jody Withers via email at by 3:00 PM on Monday, March 17, 2025.

Amendments: Bill Authors and Committee Members wishing to present an amendment must submit amendments via email to both Wilson Lee via email at and Jody Withers at by 2:00 PM on Monday, March 17.
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 3/18/2025 3:00:00 PM

Housing Finance and Policy

Chair: Rep. Michael Howard
Location: Capitol G3
Items may be added/removed
- Amendment deadline will be 1:00PM on Monday, March 17th
- The DFL holds the gavel for this hearing

HF1142 (Howard) Use of tenant screening software that uses nonpublic competitor data to set rent prohibited, and use of software that is biased against protected classes prohibited.

HF1566 (Hussein) Additional accommodations to children with autism and rental properties provided.

HF1854 (Fischer) Homeowner renovation assistance nonrenewal prohibited relating to tenants in residential rental units.

HF1385 (Kozlowski) Statewide tenant education and hotline service funding provided, and money appropriated.

Testimony: Handouts, written testimony, and testifier requests must be in PDF format and emailed to the Committee Administrator and Committee Legislative Assistant by 3:00pm the day before each hearing. Public testifiers should email their full name, organization (if applicable) and preferred title. Testifiers may participate remotely at the Chair’s discretion. Testimony may be limited to two minutes per testifier. Submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record, and it may be posted to the committee webpage if received by the deadline. If bringing hard copies to the hearing, please bring 40 copies for members, staff, and the public.

This hearing may be viewed via the House webcast schedule page. All events are closed captioned with automatically generated captions.

- To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access or contact the LCC Accessibility Coordinator at
- If you are having accessibility or usability problems with any Minnesota Legislative website or software, please send you comments to the Accessibility & Usability Comment Form
- To request legislative services for American Sign Language (ASL), Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) closed captioning services, or live language interpretation services for Hmong, Somali, or Spanish speakers to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator as soon as possible.
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 3/18/2025 3:00:00 PM

Public Safety Finance and Policy

Chair: Rep. Kelly Moller
Location: Capitol 120
HF 1082 (Moller) Grant funding provided to organizations providing direct services and advocacy for crime victims, and money appropriated.

HF 1042 (Moller) Independent Use of Force Investigations Unit authority amended to investigate offenses that occur on state-owned military installations.

HF 1295 (Johnson, P) Children's advocacy centers included as a victim assistance program entitled to a portion of certain fines.

HF 1686 (Johnson, P) Training requirements for licensed security officers expanded.

HF 1998 (Rarick) Victim notification to order for protection and harassment restraining order violations not prosecuted extended, and victim notification requirements clarified and updated for law enforcement agencies and prosecutors.

HF 1775 (Pinto) Collection and reporting of specified information on criminal cases and the creation of a public dashboard for this information required, and money appropriated.

HF 1163 (Youakim) Scope of hometown heroes assistance program clarified.

Items may be taken up in any order, items may be added or removed at the Chair’s discretion.

TESTIMONY: Requests for in-person testimony must be submitted to the Committee Administrator of this hearing,, by 3:00 PM, March 17th, 2025. Testimony is limited. The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair, and is subject to change. Please plan accordingly.

WRITTEN TESTIMONY: Requests to submit written testimony must be submitted to the Committee Administrator of this hearing,, by 3:00 PM, March 17th, 2025. All written testimony must be submitted in PDF format and not include hyperlinks.
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 3/14/2025 5:00:00 PM

Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement

Chair: Sen. Nick A. Frentz
Location: 123 State Capitol


Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 3/18/2025 6:00:00 PM

Higher Education Finance and Policy

Chair: Rep. Marion Rarick
Location: Capitol 120
Higher Education Finance and Policy Committee Regent Nomination Joint Committee

Chair: Rep. Marion Rarick, Rep. Dan Wolgamott, Senator Fateh
Date: March 18, 2025
Location: Capitol 120
Time: 6 – 7:30 p.m.

I. Call to Order
II. Regent Nominations
III. Adjournment
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 3/19/2025 8:15:00 AM

Human Services Finance and Policy

Chair: Rep. Joe Schomacker
Location: Capitol 123
I. Call To Order

II. Approval of Meeting Minutes 3/18/2025

III. HF 1358 (Repinski) Winona County; supplementary services rate authorized for mental health facilities

IV. HF 1973 (Perryman) Catholic Charities of St. Cloud senior dining program funding provided, and money appropriated.

V. HF 736 (Olson) Blue Earth County supplemental housing support rate established

VI. Waiver Reimagine Status Update from Department of Human Services
*We will be taking testimony on the waiver reimagine program after the presentation

VII. Adjournment

TESTIMONY AND MATERIALS SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Individuals wishing to testify or submit written testimony or handouts for the hearing must email the committee administrator, Megan Rossbach ( by 12 p.m. (noon) the day prior to the hearing. Required testimony information includes name, organization and title (if applicable), email, phone number, and position on the bill. Handouts must be in PDF format with OCR capability.

*Bills may be added or removed at the chair's discretion
Bills Removed
Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 3/19/2025 10:15:00 AM

Legacy Finance

Chair: Rep. Samantha Vang
Location: Capitol G3
HF1679 (Lillie) - Public television grants funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1019 (Skraba) - Minnesota Public Radio funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2321 (Frazier) - Public educational radio stations funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1740 (Nadeau) - Community cable television programming funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2278 (Vang) - Ethnic media organization funding provided for public access television content, and money appropriated.

Items may be added or removed from the agenda.

If you wish to submit written testimony or testify, please send the written testimony or the request to testify to by 10 a.m. the day before the meeting. Written testimony is preferred and will be accepted after the deadline. In-person testimony may be limited due to committee time constraints.
Bills Removed
Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 3/19/2025 1:00:00 PM

Agriculture Finance and Policy

Chair: Rep. Rick Hansen
Location: Capitol G3
HF44 (Curran) Food manufacturers and brand owners required to report ortho-phthalate testing results of packaged food products to the commissioner of agriculture.
HF2102 (Lee, F.) Local food purchasing assistance program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2279 (Vang) Office of Broadband Development renamed to Office of Broadband Development and Digital Equity, duties and reporting requirements modified, state's broadband goals expanded, multifamily dwelling grant program established, and definitions amended.
HF2280 (Hansen) Beginning farmer program provisions modified, grain buyer provisions modified, commissioner of agriculture permissions granted to protect public health against fertilizer and fertilizer by-products, and biodiesel fuel mandate reporting provision repealed.
HF2281 (Hansen) Livestock market agency and dealer licensing provisions modified, farmers' market or community event food sampling and demonstration provisions modified, food certificate payment provisions modified, and obsolete provisions repealed.

*Additional bills/items may be added.

TESTIMONY AND MATERIALS SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Individuals wishing to testify or submit written testimony or handouts for the hearing must e-mail the committee administrator ( by 1 p.m. the day prior to the hearing. Handouts must be in PDF format with OCR capability. In-person testimony may be limited due to committee time constraints.

AMENDMENT DEADLINE: Amendments must be e-mailed to the committee administrator by 1 p.m. the day prior to the hearing.
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 3/19/2025 1:00:00 PM

Health Finance and Policy

Chair: Rep. Robert Bierman
Location: Capitol 120
I. Call to Order

II. Approval of the Minutes

III. HF1878 (Keeler); Traditional health care practices covered under medical assistance.

IV. HF1652 (Elkins); Formulary changes prohibited during the plan year.

V. HF1076 (Elkins); Pharmacy benefit managers and health carriers required to include lower-cost drugs in their formularies.

VI. HF1075 (Elkins); Pharmacy benefit managers and health carriers required to use prescription drug rebates and other compensation to benefit covered persons.

VII. HF1103 (Hemmingsen-Jaeger); Medication repository program procedures modified, and money appropriated.

VIII. HF2007 (Nadeau); Spoken language health care interpreter work group established, reports required, and money appropriated.

IX. Adjournment
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 3/19/2025 1:00:00 PM

Transportation Finance and Policy

Chair: Rep. Erin Koegel
Location: Capitol 123
HF1360 (Koegel) Empowering small Minnesota communities program established, and money appropriated.

HF1801 (Koegel) Crookston; U.S. Highway 2 safety requirements funding provided, and money appropriated.

HF2130 (Kraft) Length of driver's license revocations related to certain offenses, length of time individuals must participate in the ignition interlock program modified, and ignition interlock program participants required to complete a treatment or rehabilitation program before reinstatement of full driving privileges.

HF182 (Rehrauer) Coon Rapids; marked Trunk Highway 610 and East River Road interchange project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

HF1642 (Wolgamott) Sherburne County; U.S. Highway 10 freeway conversion funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

HF1651 (Stephenson) Rum River Dam pedestrian bridge provided, money transferred to the active transportation account, and money appropriated.

*Agenda items (including bills) may be added or removed, and/or order may change.

• HANDOUTS: Handouts MUST BE IN PDF FORMAT, have OCR capability, and emailed to both committee administrators at AND by 12 p.m. (noon) the business day before the hearing. If you are bringing hard copies, bring 20 copies. Note: submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It may be posted to the committee webpage if received by deadline.
• TESTIFYING: Testimony is limited. The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair, and is subject to change. Please plan accordingly. If you would like to testify, please email both committee administrators at AND by 12 p.m. (noon) the business day before the hearing.
• DOCUMENTS: Meeting documents may be found on the Transportation Finance and Policy webpage.
• VIEWING: This hearing may be viewed on the House webcast schedule page. All video events are closed captioned with automatically generated captions.
• ACCESSIBILITY: To request legislative services for live language interpretation in Hmong, Somali, or Spanish, please contact the Committee Administrator at 72 hours in advance of when the service is needed.
o To request legislative services for American Sign Language (ASL), please contact the Committee Administrator at a minimum of one week before the services are needed.
o To request legislative services for Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) closed captioning services, please contact the Committee Administrator at a minimum of two weeks before the services are needed.
o For information on accommodations please visit Accessibility Frequently Asked Questions.
o If you have accessibility or usability comments to share on any Minnesota Legislature website, please submit your comments using the Accessibility & Usability Comment Form.
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 3/19/2025 3:00:00 PM

Public Safety Finance and Policy

Chair: Rep. Paul Novotny
Location: Capitol 120
1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Minutes

3. HF 558 (Quam) – Consideration of arrest and investigative record in criminal history background check authorized.

4. HF 1800 (Quam) – Voting administration provisions modified, including candidate filing, registration, vouching, election judges, polling places, ballots, and postelection review; reports required; criminal penalties provided; and money appropriated.

Note: Testimony will be limited to the felony crime provisions in the bill.

5. HF 2259 (Johnson, W.) – Violent crime enforcement teams funding provided, and money appropriated.

6. HF 1821 (Witte) – Supplemental nonprofit security grants funding provided, and money appropriated.

7. HF 2017 (Novotny) – Prosecutorial and law enforcement training funding provided, and money appropriated.

8. Adjourn

Bills may be added to the agenda.

Testimony: Written testimony or requests to testify in person are due via e-mail to, the Committee Administrator for this hearing, no less than 24 hours prior to the start of the committee hearing. In-person testimony may be limited due to committee time constraints. Amendments and committee documents will be posted in advance of the hearing.
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Thursday, March 20, 2025, 3/20/2025 10:15:00 AM

Capital Investment

Chair: Rep. Mary Franson
Location: Capitol G23
I. Call to order
II. Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes from Tuesday March 18, 2025
III. Informational Hearing only on 6 Local Water Sewer Infrastructure Bonding Projects.
5-minute maximum time limit per presentation. Maximum 1 page handout.
• HF2080 (Scott) Andover; mitigate contaminants funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
• HF356 (O’Driscoll) Sauk Rapids; abatement and mitigation of PFAS contamination funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
• HF1968 (Gillman) Cokato; Dassel-Cokato school campuses connected to city water supply, bonds issued, and money approriated.
• HF228 (Gillman) Biscay; water infrastructure funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
• HF569 (Zeleznikar) Two Harbors; public infrastructure funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
• HF603 (Burkel) Kennedy; underground water storage tank funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

IV. Presentations on Red River Basin Flood Hazard Mitigation and Minnesota River Basin Flood Hazard Mitigation: These will be 10 to 15 minute presentations allowed for these.
• HF692 (Burkel) Red River Basin flood hazard mitigation projects funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
• HF1455 (Torkelson) Minnesota River Basin Area II flood hazard mitigation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

V. Additional committee presentations: 10-15 minutes presentations each
• HF1361 (Perez-Vega) St. Paul; CHS Field improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
• Xcel Arena Complex Renovations: presentation and committee discussion
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Thursday, March 20, 2025, 3/20/2025 1:00:00 PM

Education Finance

Chair: Rep. Ron Kresha
Location: Capitol 120
I. Approval of Minutes

II. HF1048 (Youakim) Charter school general education revenue calculation clarified.

III. HF1049 (Youakim) School district eligibility for school library aid clarified.

IV. HF 745 (Feist) School's compensatory revenue eligibility calculated on the basis of both direct certification and the application of education benefits, percent of compensatory revenue spent at each site under certain conditions, Compensatory Revenue Task Force established, reports required, and money appropriated.

V. HF2210 (Rehm) Additional school unemployment aid funding provided, and money appropriated.

Agenda items may be added or changed.

Testimony: Individuals wishing to testify and/or submit written testimony, including handouts, should contact both Polly Cerkvenik, via email at and Jody Withers via email at by 2:00 PM on Wednesday, March 19th.

Amendments: Bill Authors or Committee Members wishing to present an amendment must submit amendments via email to both Polly Cerkvenik, via email at and Jody Withers, via email at by 12:00 PM (Noon) on Wednesday, March 19th.
Bills Added
Bills Removed
Friday, March 21, 2025, 3/14/2025 9:30:00 AM

Compensation Council

Chair: David Asp
Location: Blazing Star Room, Centennial Office Building


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